Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Sewing .101

Yes, there is a decimal in front of the 101... This post is for the sewing impaired or pregnant brain sewer or both.

I mentioned in my last post that I finally broke down and bought a sewing machine. After agonizing over reviews, I finally decided to take the plunge and order it. Electronics and I don't usually get along; I can order them brand new and usually something is defective, so other than the fact that I know zero about sewing, I was also nervous about spending a lot of money. A little superstitious, I know. I went for this computerized machine, the Brother XR9500PRW.
I really really like it! So far I haven't found any defects, but I've also only tried one type of stitch and sewing square projects, but hey, you have to start small sometimes. The machine was really easy to set up; no problems with threading or winding the bobbin or even raising the bobbin thread (I hated doing this on the other machine I was using).
However, despite the beginner friendliness of this machine, I still manage to make major sewing faux pas. For example, today the seam ripper is my best friend... or worst enemy (I haven't decided, but I sure picked up that pointy little guy with great resignation after discovering my mistake). I'm making these cute burp cloths for my sister-in-law.
The tutorial has been great! I finished one the other day.

Since then, the sewing machine and ironing board have been taking up all the space in my kitchen, forcing hubby and I to eat in the living room while watching 2-3 episodes of Chuck on Netflix. Our life is so hard, I know.
Anyway, I promised him I'd finish the second burp cloth today and put the kitchen back together tonight (he wasn't complaining or asking me to). After work, I sat right down and pinned my pieces together and started sewing. I even remembered to back stitch before starting! I finished up sewing all the way around and was pretty proud of my even stitches. Feeling pretty good, I clipped off some of the extra fabric on the corners so they would be pointier and went ahead flipping my project. Lo and behold... I had pinned the wrong sides together. REALLY!? How had I managed that!?  So, here I am, ripping out the seams, taking a break to blog about it and attempting to rally myself to try again.
1. take time to breathe before coming home from work and starting a craft project.
2. Double check your fabric to make sure the wrong sides are facing each other if you need to flip the project, and not just one wrong side and one right side (face palm).
3. Always remember to backstitch.
4. When you have to seam rip... take lots of breaks, eat lots of chocolate in between, and turn on some good music.
5. Don't give up! Even you can learn to sew ;)
Some actual helpful beginner sewing articles:


  1. Oh the seam ripper! whenever I had to get that thing out I would just give up for the day. Good for you for persevering!

  2. I love your advice for chocolate during seam ripping. I HATE seam ripping, and still have to do it way too often.
    How is it that we're always watching the same show on Netflix?? Mark and I just finished season 2. :)

    1. You are watching Chuck!? We find it pretty hilarious. John Casey is one of my favorite characters. We just started season 3, so we are almost on the same pace as you too :)

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