Friday, January 24, 2014

7 Quick Takes: Random Friday Thoughts

7 Quick Takes: Random Friday Thoughts

Here's another fast link up
Seriously, sometimes I feel like I'm cheating at this whole blog thing. I'm probably taking the easy way out linking up, but it's such a great spring board for jumpstarting posts! So... thank you to all those creative enough to start link ups, so I can participate and not have to think up an entirely original post...
I think baby has DROPPED! Meaning I've started to waddle, or at least, I think I'm waddling. Of course my doctor will probably tell me Monday that no such thing has happened, she won't arrive for weeks, and I've just gained more weight- resulting in my new waddle :)
I read a little post on FB today about one woman's journey to "unplug" herself and her family. I decided to get my smallest toe wet in this area by suggesting a card game tonight with hubby instead of the usual 3 episodes of Chuck or White Collar. We played this game:

My parents got it for us for Christmas and it's a lot of fun! Hubby won by two points... which means he will agree to play this game again in the future ;)

I've been trying really hard to keep Fridays meatless. My mom gave me a vegetarian cookbook for my Birthday and it's for the crockpot! I LOVEEE my crockpot. I came home for my hour lunch today and was able to throw together everything for dinner and eat my lunch before I had to drive back. Alas, I did not keep the day meatless (instead gave up chocolate... which I think is harder at this time in my life), but helped hubby keep it that way!
We had Potato Cheddar soup with frozen biscuits from Schwans. Those biscuits cannot be healthy, but they taste oh soo good. I once suggested I make my own biscuits and freeze them instead of spending the extra money on the Schwans ones. Hubby dolefully looked at me and then asked, "When they don't taste as good, can we go back to buying the Schwans ones?" He is so lucky he loves the rest of the food I normally make him ;)

Anyway, here is the recipe, because it was so easy and delicious!

2 lbs unpeeled red potatoes, cut into small cubes
3/4 cup chopped carrots
1 medium onion, chopped
3 cups vegetable broth
1 cup half and half
1/4 tspn black pepper
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese

What you do:
1. Put veggies and broth in crock pot and cook on low 6-7 hours.
2. Stir in half and half and pepper. Cover, cook on high for 15-20 minutes. Turn off and stir in cheese until melted.
3. Serve with bread and enjoy!

I am the world's worst procrastinator. My lack of a hospital bag at almost 38 weeks pregnant provides testimony to the extent of my procrastinating abilities. The fact that I'd also rather blog about how I don't have my bag together instead of just walking upstairs and throwing some clothes together probably also speaks volumes. Too bad I can't also just procrastinate away the anxiety resulting from the lack of said bag....
I've been indulging in the ultimate teeny-bopper Christian novel series: The River of Time Series by Lisa T. Bergren. It's cute and completely unbelievable, but, hey, sometimes you need an easy, mindless flick to read. There is a bit of Bella'ish obsession with the main character regarding her love interest, but the time travel and medieval time period have made up for that so far ;)

Thanks for joining my ramblings, but for more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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