Sunday, February 23, 2014

WIWS: Baby Edition

WIWS: Baby Edition

I haven't posted in a few weeks because I went and had a BABY!

Elena Marie was born on February 5th, 2014 and weighed 6lbs 10 oz. Labor was a total of six hours, and I only got to the hospital with an hour and a half to spare before she made her debut.

She is amazing and perfect and I have been overpopulating Facebook with lots of pictures.

She is also incredibly time consuming. She was two weeks this past Wednesday and my mom has been with me since day 2. I have no idea what I would do without her and Jeremy. Between breastfeeding, trying to rest, cleaning her up, and attempting to clean myself up, I have an hour here and there to either nap, read, or blog. Right now, I'm sacrificing nap time.

I finally got to mass last night! I had wanted to go earlier, but my mom talked me out of it since I was still hobbling around, and Jeremy wisely pointed at a wooden stool and said "If you can sit on that for an hour, then you can go to mass". The last two days, I have felt immensely better. Elena was perfect and slept through all of mass in her car seat. Of course, I was extremely distracted, and kept peeking at her to make sure she didn't wake up and was still breathing.

Here is our little family photo. I apologize for not having a full length outfit shot.

I felt pretty accomplished that I put on make-up.

Shirt: Express
Cardigan: New York and Company
Pants: Kohls (gray dress pants)
Shoes: Kohls (sparkly, silver flats)

Elena sported a red fleece dress with white leggings and really cute socks that looked like black ballet shoes with satin ribbons.

Next week's goal: put on jewelry.

Now go join up for more outfit posts at Fine Linen and Purple!


  1. congrats! She is beautiful and you are radiant! :) I also did not make it to mass for a couple of weeks following the births of my daughters - be kind to yourself until you heal!

    1. Thank you! I was feeling a bit guilty at first, but realized my family was being quite rational about me taking care of myself and baby. I figure God probably agrees ;)

  2. Congratulations, she is BEAUTIFUL!! So happy for you!

  3. Congrats on your precious little girl! You look so great! And I think when you have a newborn, little daily goals for yourself are the way to go. :)

  4. You both look so pretty! And good job on the goal setting. Motherhood should be eased into. :)
